Tuesday, December 9, 2008

New Car

So the husband's car finally bit the dust... To fix the car would cost more than it's worth. We were planning on buying a new vehicle soon, just not this soon. So we don't really have as much saved up as we'd like. And because of that... we're possibly not going to get what we WANT. We are wanting to go ahead and buy a family car-the one I would drive, so that we have it when we do start a family(Which we are hoping to happen asap). So here is the vehicle I'm currently stuck on that is in our price range:

Now of course I would change the color to like, Orange! Haha... but tan is fine. I like this so much more compared to a mini-van. No offense to those who drive them. I just feel too young to start driving a mini-van. I don't know? I just really hope we find something similar to this, quick! Because until we do, I'm having to be at work at 7 so hubby can be to work by 8. It truly sucks. Lord, Please help us find an appropriate vehicle!

1 comment:

D and R said...

Hi Kaitlyn -

My name is Ronda and I found your blog through Kaylyn's. I use to go to church with Kaylyn. My husband and I have a Chevy Equinox. If you want our opinion of it please send me an e-mail at mdrrhodes@verizon.net.

Have a great day!