Monday, September 15, 2008

Being Humble

No, I'm not going to write about how I am being humble. Cause that sure wouldn't be, would it?!? Actually, lately I have been reading about what it means to be humble and some steps to becoming a humble woman of God. Some of the notes I've taken...

*I need to understand that my self worth is through Jesus-Christ and not of my own.
*I know that I must focus on God's power and humility may follow.
*I want to realize that humiliation, if cruel, is through man and not my God's. So that I will not "feel" humble because of the humiliation.
*I am trying to understand and to have an accurate view of who God is and who I am in relation to him.
*Serve even if I do not feel gifted in that area. I am not above the task that God has placed before me. *** This one seems tough for me. Simply because I fail to remember that one task God has placed before me is to work the job I am currently in, no matter how difficult it may be, in His name for Him. I often do not find it a task but a HUGE pain and not as something I should do before my Savior.
*Discipline is not the same as humiliation. It is false humility to find/think of myself as more wretched. False humility is pride, and still self-focused. ***This point is be spot-on for me. I often myself to be the most wretched. I'm great at self-loathing. But how selfish! This is one point I try to remind myself of. Because yes, I'm a wretched soul without Christ. But He has made me new and if I allow Him, He can make me whole and I can find my worth in Him!
*A humble woman gets her strength for the journey from God, then gives credit to Him when something good happens. *** Again... I pray that my pride may fall, Lord!

I realized even more while typing these points, that I shouldn't search for humility. I should search for Jesus-Christ. I should find my security in Him, not in having a humble heart. When I am secure in Him, He may begin the work in me.

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